
tuesday roundup

I spring back to life like nothing happened and I am queen of the world again. Destruction is down the road and I'm obsessed with finding it. A girl thrives on some misery. But no, don't be fooled - I don't need company. I work better alone. Infecting those around me. I said earlier today that it might be difficult for me to bring a person down physically, what with my size & weight, but emotionally it's a breeze.

I am hollow, pained, confused, happy, euphoric, sleep deprived, anxious, in love, jealous, cocky, and everything else you'll find in the dictionary. maybe not everything. 

My brain is leaking.
It's all repetitive shit.
I'm thinking of seeing a therapist again.
But then I think of how they'll probe too deep and I will be too open for comfort.
Or should not?