
updates to use.

moving usually triggers terrible anxiety in me. this time not so much. sure, i hate packing boxes. and lifting? i weight 115 like you might as well strap me to death okay.
but, i recently went purging through messes of clutter accumulated because 'shit happens' and now i'm feeling lighter and this makes moving much easier because i only have what i absolutely need/want. back in 2012 i did a fabulous job of creating boundaries. i filtered what goes in, what comes out, and what stays as essentials.

i got hooked up with the realness and i'm moving out to a 1 bedroom soon.
step 1: smooth excitement followed by hell yes i'll actually have a bigger place. s/o to studios but when you have the opportunity to upgrade without breaking the bank uhm do so.
step 2: get my decorating together. i have watched too many interior design shows to /not/ put out something fierce with my budget. there's this amazing furniture boutique by the waterfront and i swear it calls out to me every time i walk past it. most of the prices in there are a bit wild, but i have found some great pieces that i can afford so holla @ the future. i just have to get through my obsessive hurdle of having everything fit into perfection. occasionally i go through this maddening spell of confusion where i don't know where anything should go & i start to cry because my curtains don't match my rug & shit flies up the handle. but i feel my anxiety has been kept under control in the last few months so i'm sure this time i can actually have fun & explore and really put out a home that screams my identity.
step 3: actually enjoy the fact that i'll have a bedroom. aka a sanctuary aka i'm gonna make it as peaceful and relaxing as ever. i want to walk into this room and feel as though it's hugging me from all the pollution on the outside. i want it to have clean lines and pretty smells. simplicity is the key here. i grew up with a cluttered bedroom. (my fault tbh) i did everything in my bedroom. slept, cooked @ times, did homework, watched movies. it was my go to room for everything & it was just overwhelming. no more of that.
step 4: life is happening. in a good way. for once. that's nice. celebrate with champagne. i'm literally okay with things right now. like today was kind of bad (cause hello mood swings) but i didn't dwell on it & i just took it easy with some tea. that's my goal for the upcoming year. take. it. easy.

k. shout - out to good feels & all ^^^^